

The information on Wanderstories is advice only, and while all care is taken to ensure its accuracy, please consider your own skills and circumstances before embarking on adventures. Take ownership of your safety, appreciate the inherent risks in the outdoors, and get further advice when appropriate. Above all, be safe, be happy, and have fun!

Visitors need to conduct themselves legally and respectfully on all lands, e.g., when in National Park or in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. All visitors to National Parks, Conservation Parks, Forest Reserves, or State Forests should know the land tenure they are on and abide by the laws pertaining to the management of that land.

This site contains information that involves technical and high-risk roped activities and skills that evolve over time with advances in knowledge and technology as well as various levels of risk, this website is only intended to provide helpful tips and inspiration and is not a "how-to" guide. Best practices and information on this site can be outdated (sometimes rather quickly). Cartography, maps, topos, and any form of directions are for illustration purposes only and should not be used for navigation. Maps, cartography, KML/GPX or any type of GPS-data files, and directions used on this website can be incorrect, dangerous, or just plain wrong. Be sure to do your own research, educational/instructional courses, and training before embarking on any outdoor experience.

Flora and fauna, such as stinging trees and snakes in North Queensland, can be dangerous and deadly. Crocodiles live in Queensland and are often seen low down the creek and river systems, near estuaries and mangroves, etc. Likewise, jellyfish and many other inhospitable creatures live in our beloved world. Do your own research and seek professional guidance.

Be sure to know about potential hazards, have the appropriate permission, and know the legalities and what is illegal, especially when it comes to some types of urban exploring. Drains, tunnels, and mines can collapse, flash flood, and/or have bad air. Some places, like an abandoned building, may expose you to harmful chemicals, asbestos dust, discarded syringes, rusty and sharp objects, slipping, falling, and the unstable nature of old man-made structures. The activity presents various risks, including both physical danger and, if done illegally and/or without permission, the possibility of arrest and punishment. Some of these areas are closed to the public and are made illegal for safety reasons. Request verbal/written permission associated with the planned activities. Be sure to do things correctly and the right way, whether that means having permission, a permit, insurance, etc. Wanderstories and the authors do not encourage activities that are illegal or potentially harmful. Do not trespass! Trespassers who enter private property without permission may be prosecuted.

Roped activities are high-risk and inherently dangerous. Mistakes can be fatal. You should know how to read the weather and water and be suitably experienced in canyoning/whitewater paddling and swift water rescue before you plan your trip. The information on this website is based on the author's own opinions, experiences, and research and is not formal instruction or a guide, nor is it any substitute for formal instruction or qualified guidance. You certainly should not trust your life to anything that you read on this website or any other website for that matter.

Often times in roped, swift water, and other high-risk activities, other people's lives are in your hands. People who rely on you could die or be seriously injured/maimed for life. Do your own research and testing beforehand in a safe and controlled environment, get formal instructions and qualifications, and read the appropriate literature before planning and embarking on your adventure.

While we don't want to turn you off these thrilling (yet challenging) outdoor experiences, we can not stress enough the need for safety and best practices. People die all the time on backcountry trips, and most accidents are the result of human error or lack of knowledge. Make sure you and your entire team know what you are doing and the risks involved before you go outdoors. Assess the ever-changing environment as conditions continuously fluctuate which can easily be seen in water levels for activities, such as whitewater paddling and canyoning.

The track notes on this website are for use by appropriately qualified and experienced people and you should only be taken with a grain of salt (not trust your life to it). Watercourses are ever-changing, the wet season comes every year, washing rocks, logs, and trees downstream. Many belay points and anchors are off chockstones, logs, and/or trees, bolts, and track notes can become outdated and incorrect suddenly. Access/safety lines, webbing, and bolts can be easily damaged and may have been removed by other parties. Trees fall over and hazards underwater change. Pools fill up with sand, and shallow sections deepen. Use common sense, access the situation, and avoid dangerous and deadly scenarios. Consider your duty of care for yourself, others, and the environment.

These articles, information, and track notes are, at best, an indication of the route, creek, river, canyon, and/or climb at the time they were written or updated. Hiking tracks and roads can become overgrown or washed away. Information can rapidly become outdated and are no substitute for appropriate experience. No claim is made about the suitability of the information on this site, for any purpose, either stated or implied. By reading the information on this site, you accept full responsibility for its use and any consequences of that use. Parties that venture into remote areas need to be self-sufficient and prepared for ever-changing conditions. Please ensure you know remote wilderness first aid and have the appropriate gear and training. Read and know the Australian Adventure Activity Standard and related Good Practice Guides.