Mount Donald

Mount Donald is a prominent dome mountain towering 250 metres over the surrounding landscape. It's an impressive 755m volcanic formation that provides views across the Peak Range and Denham Range.

Mount Donald

Location - Isaac Region, Central Queensland, Australia
Distance - ~ 2 km return
Duration - Allow 3-6 hours return
Grade - 5, steep
Access - Accessed via private property

Mount Donald is a prominent dome mountain and 755 metres above sea level. Towering 250 metres over the surrounding landscape, this impressive volcanic formation provides views across the Peak Range and Denham Range. To the southeast, you will see Rocky Knob (425 m), White Hill (435 m), and Little Wolfang Peak (425 m), to the northwest, you will find Wolfang Peak (505 m) and the Gemini Mountains, Fletchers Awl (545 m), Mount Saddleback (525 m), and to the southeast, you can see Lords Table Mtn (745 m) and Anvil Peak 737 m). Mount Donald is located in the northern section of the Peak Range, west of Dysart and northeast of Clermont.

Access to Mount Donald is via private property and prior permission is required.