Oak Falls

Located near Oak Beach in Far North Queensland, this set of seasonal waterfalls can be seen from the Captin Cook Highway on the slopes of Mount Garioch (635m).

Oak Falls

Location - Macalister Range National Park, Far North Queensland, Australia
Difficulty - Grade 5, off-track
Distance - Approximately 4 km return
Time - Allow 2 hours return

As far as I know, these falls are unnamed but for the purpose of not having hundreds of unnamed falls on this site, we are referring to them as Oak Falls. Please contact us if these falls have a local name.

Located near Oak Beach in Far North Queensland, this seasonal waterfall can be seen from the Captin Cook Highway and flows off the slopes of Mount Garioch (635m).

How to get there

There are two options:

Option 1: Ascend the creek from the highway. This approach is direct but also requires scrambling / low-grade rock climbing.

Option 2: The next bend on the highway north is Yule Point. A little further north is the power line track. Follow the track up the ridge to where it ends. Follow the ridgeline along till you get to the top of the seasonal creek. It's a nice ridgeline to follow and would be the safer option if you have some navigational skills. The route has been flagged with tape a while ago.

Interactive Map


  • Please request prior permission from the property owners - if you are accessing them from the base of the range.
  • Be careful when scrambling up the waterfalls and consider taking a safer route.
  • Be mindful of Gympie Gympie.
  • It's a seasonal waterfall and not always flowing.
  • The Wangetti Trail may come through this area in the future which will make accessing these falls easier.
  • There's a nearby bluff with similar views.

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