Palm Creek Rockslides

The Palm Creek rock slides are a seemingly lost treasure. Getting there only requires a relatively short walk, at which point you will find fantastic swimming holes and slides that make for a perfect place to take your family.

Palm Creek Rockslides

Location - Bowling Green Bay National Park, Queensland, Australia
Grade - 4, recommended for experienced bushwalkers
Distance - 7 km return
Time - 3 - 5 hours return

The Palm Creek rock slides are a seemingly lost treasure. The name can be misleading too, as these slides are located within St Margaret Creek rather than Palm Creek. However, the original name came from the access point being via the Palm Creek Eco Park. Nevertheless, getting there only requires a relatively short walk, at which point you will find fantastic swimming holes and slides that make for a perfect place to take your family.

UPDATE 2019- present: This area is no longer accessible via the Palm Creek Eco Park and is only accessible via private property. The Townsville Bushwalking Club still have access, however. If you're keen, join them on a hike to explore this area.