Townsville Adventures

Townsville Adventures

Townsville Adventures is no more. Luen Warneke, the founder of Wanderstories, organised many public events over the years including the popular monthly adventurers' meetup which was timed with sunset and/or the full moon rise and took place during the week. On the monthly meetups, we explored many local areas not often visited, which involved a short walk and sometimes an abseil and/or rock climb.

It started with a couple of Townsville Bushwalking Club members were wanting to do some harder events that could not be covered by the Bushwalking Club's insurance - i.e., roped activities. These events also couldn't be covered by the Townsville Rock Climbing Club's insurance due to the adventurous nature of the trips - e.g., canyoning. Every weekend we often went canyoning or went for a hike and explored many of the national parks close to Townsville.

Most of these areas are now documented on the Wanderstories website.

We now offer tailed adventure tours for small groups, such as The Terraces. Contact Us for more information.