The Sisters Mountains

The Sisters Mountains are located in northeast Australia, just south of Townsville and Elliot Springs and actually consist of three peaks, the West (425 m), Middle (429 m), and East (422 m) Sisters. The three sisters and the main ridgeline provide some of the best views across Townsville.

The Sisters Mountains

Location - Townsville, North Queensland, Australia
Distance - approximately 13 km return, depending on route
Time - allow 6-8 hours
Grade - 5 (AWTGS), steep in some parts

The Sisters Mountains are located in the northeast corner of Australia, just south of Townsville and Elliot Springs. The Sisters Mountains actually consist of three peaks, including the East Sister (422 m), Middle Sister (429 m), and West Sister (425 m). The three sisters and the main ridgeline that runs between them make up the isolated range and provide some of the best views across Townsville. Take the day to summit all three peaks, and enjoy the different views and vegetation each has to offer. See also, Slippery Rocks Creek.

This area is on private property, and prior permission is required before you commence your trip. You could also join the Townsville Bushwalking Club the next time they do this hike.